Post 6 | Summer Plans

 In today's blog, I'll talk about my summer plans.

Personally, I don't know exactly if this plan could happen, since COVID-19 is something that we can´t control, and we don't know when the situation can get better or worse.

Anyways, the last summer, before anything happened, with my friends we went to the beach, Papudo. It was only for 3 days, since we had things to do to prepare the enter to the university. But we all known how that ended. 

So this time we want to go to the beach again, but more days, at least a entire week, probably we would to go a friend's house in El Tabo. And it'd be the same people, we were at least 13 in a house. This time we'd love to enjoy the night life of the beach, since last time in Papudo we couldn't because the house were to far from the beach itself. We know that in many beaches there are like festivals and fairs, so I'd like to go there and eat a lot.

Personally, I don't want to study or work while I'm in holidays, because I want to disconnect complety of the university, since the stress that gave me this year was a lot.

Also, I'd like to camping in the south of Chile, I don't know where yet, but It is also a plan to go there with the same friends, It'd be something new for us, so I think It's great to live new experiencies with your lovely friends.


  1. Dude you really made me laugh when you said that "I would like to go there and eat a lot" hahaha I also miss sea food :( , I really hope you to go camping with your friends next year!

  2. Yeah, that's a good idea, disconnect from everything because, as you said, it has been a very stressful year.

  3. Hope you can go with your friends to the beach and disconnect from the responsabilities, seems hard with the pandemic :(


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